What a day! Wake up at 4:30, ride my bike to Sony Tower, hop in my friend's car, and ride off to the slopes of Shiga for a few hours of hurtling down snow-covered hills on a piece of wood.
I haven't been snowboarding in about two years, and boy, have I missed it. Damn Florida for not having the two essential ingredients for this winter sport; snow and mountains. It was a little rough going at first, I pretty much forgot how to do everything the first run down. But once I got to around my fifth plunge, I was back on the horse. Or at least I was as good as I was the last time I went.
One of my new students offered to take me with her and her friend. They drove and provided me with the necessary gear, save a board and boots. Getting on the road at 5am wasn't exactly my cup of tea, especially after only about an hour and a half of sleep, but it did get us on the slopes early. Being a Saturday, it wasn't long before the lift had a pretty sizable line and the hills were crowded with people getting ready for their runs. By then I was decent at it enough to not hit anyone, despite a few close calls.
The day was good, for the most part. No rain or snow, partly cloudy. But it sure was cold. There was a bitter cold wind the whole day that would almost knock you over. We held strong until about 2pm, when the cold and fatigue overtook us and we decided to call it a day. Here you can see me trying to smile with a frozen face.
We went to a prefecture just north of Osaka, called Shiga. Everyone in Kansai goes there or Nagano for day trips, both being right around the corner. Shiga is also popular in the summer, as it's home to Lake Biwa. It was my first time seeing the big lake, and it was really quite beautiful in the snow during sunrise.

In the end, I think it was worth the hundred dollars I spent today. But I doubt I'll be doing it again for a few months, it is a little bit expensive for a hobby.
What a day! Wake up at 4:30, ride my bike to Sony Tower, hop in my friend's car, and ride off to the slopes of Shiga for a few hours of hurtling down snow-covered hills on a piece of wood.

I haven't been snowboarding in about two years, and boy, have I missed it. Damn Florida for not having the two essential ingredients for this winter sport; snow and mountains. It was a little rough going at first, I pretty much forgot how to do everything the first run down. But once I got to around my fifth plunge, I was back on the horse. Or at least I was as good as I was the last time I went.

We went to a prefecture just north of Osaka, called Shiga. Everyone in Kansai goes there or Nagano for day trips, both being right around the corner. Shiga is also popular in the summer, as it's home to Lake Biwa. It was my first time seeing the big lake, and it was really quite beautiful in the snow during sunrise.

In the end, I think it was worth the hundred dollars I spent today. But I doubt I'll be doing it again for a few months, it is a little bit expensive for a hobby.
It seems everyone I know is going snowboarding lately. I think that's the next activity I wanna try out. Shame I wont get enough free time to do it for another year, but it's never too early to plan. Oh did Nick G. get a hold of you? He emailed me for your contact info.
~your sis
What's up, it is Nick G. Looks like you're have an interesting trip Nick. I did not know you were studying capoeria. How long have you been studying? Anyway man, I shall talk with you another time.
Nick G.
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