Tuesday, January 23, 2007

One Week Left

We're opening the school February 1st, just over a week away. Certainly a bit nervous, as not everything is finalized, but that's really to be expected. And problems are bound to arise once we get up and running, no preparation can be perfect. But it's coming together, the school is taking shape, now we just have to get people to come.

Shifting life gears again, I'm now working three days a week at Kinki University and getting ready to move to a new apartment. The move won't be a big deal for me, just a few floors up from where I am now. And I'll be living with my girlfriend. We've been essentially living together for the past few months anyway, so it won't be a big shock. Hopefully we'll make a good team.

Any and all free hours are still spent with World of Warcraft, and the expansion is awesome. For the Horde!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The New Year

Starting up this January pretty well. It's cold, but I'm on vacation and free from responsibility. I had a good New Year's Eve with a bunch of friends and will be enjoying the rest of the week around the Osaka area. Christmas was good too, lots of sightseeing and I got some nice earrings for my girlfriend, but I'm still at a loss as for what to get for my family.

Things are picking up with the school, we're ordering our class materials and the building renovations are done. We've got a website up, ascent.kc8.net (thanks to the Lima family for their kids' pics) but still trying to pick a good phone number. There's still some back and forth as to what our pricing structure should be and how we'll arrange class times. We're also lacking furniture, something to be resolved in the coming weeks. If all goes well, we'll be smoth opening at the end of the month.

Hope everyone back home and around the world had a good holiday season and makes a great 2007.